Tuesday, 6 July 2010


An animatic storyboard is basically a collection of still images edited together in an animation styley, or rough live action footage, to create a mock up of the finished product. This helps directors to work out camera positioning and timing - and can also prevent shooting scenes that would be edited out if they look silly in the animatic. For my remake of my fave video, I will have to create one. Below is an animatic created for Radiohead for one of their videos:

Whilst they are used for short films, they are also used as research tools, for example to make a mock-up of a commercial to be used on a test audience, which is an inexpensive way of seeing how an audience will respond. A photomatic is similar to an animatic, except it uses still images, as opposed to moving ones.

1 comment:

  1. you need to ammend these posts so that they are relevan to your new project - eg - how they helped you to decide not to make a music video, but gave ideas for a moving storyboard
