I actually did some filming over the weekend - which was a bit stressful. They say you should never work with children or animals; and I attempted to work with both. I will be reviewing the filming I did for my opening shot - which was one continuous take - on Thursday.
The shot was meant to be: starting in my conservatory, looking out into the garden at the dog owner and the old pet, playing together. PROBLEM 1: the dog would not play, we ran out of biscuits to make him play, and eventually we had to coax him with some cheese and onion crisps. Then I would pick up the camera, and enter into my hallway where we had positioned some beautiful pictures of the old dog, with one frame with some R.I.P. lettering on it (for the less perceptive people out there). PROBLEM 2: the old dog, who the dog owner was playing with in the garden would run through and get in the eyeline of the camera. Then I would walk up the hallway to the front door, where the dog owner would enter with his new dog. PROBLEM 3: timing problems. The dog owner would run from my garden round to the front door, so there would be timing problems and I had to walk very sloooooowly.
But fingers crossed all went well.
On Thursday I will be reviewing my footage, and storyboarding the rest of my film, so I will need a camera and firewire, please.