Thursday, 9 December 2010


The BBFC is the British Board of Film Classification/, who decide what age certificate a film will have. I've decided that my film will either be a PG or a U - because it has no violence, no bad language, although the content may be upsetting.

A 'U' film should be suitable for audiences aged four years or older. 'U' films should be set within a positive moral framework and should offer reassuring counter balances to any violence, threat or horror.

A 'PG' film should not disturb children aged eight or younger. General viewing, though some scenes may be upsetting to those aged four years or younger. Parents are advised to consider whether the content may upset younger or more sensitive children.
I believe my film will be a PG rated film because some of the storyline may be upsetting to younger or more sensitive children.
Although the content of my short film is not explicit or rude or racy or raunchy in any way, I hope it will be viewed by an older and more intelligent audience, than children (no offence), because it is quite a sensitive subject. For those who have a soul.


Although I have always been certain as to how I wanted the opening and closing shots of my short film to look, I am uncertain about the 'filler', the rest of my short film. I thought maybe in the film I could draw parralels between young and old; for example, my mother once showed me the Godley & Creme music video for 'Cry' (which I will add onto this post), which shows a range of ages crying. I though I could include something like this in the middle of my short film - perhaps even having this multitude of people saying the same thing (i.e. something cheesy like: 'I miss him so much'). However, I don't want the whole film being so... out there, so I also intended to include footage of old dog and man together, new dog and man together, other dogs and other people together ( hopefully old person and old dog together).


The dog breed I am going to be using in my film is the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, which is the sixth most popular dog breed in the UK. By using a popular dog breed, people will be able to identify with it, and will be able to reminisce about their old pets.


I think that the audience for my short film is most likely to be mostly middle aged women - because the product is dealing with the death of animal, as the sad nature of the product may not appeal to young children. Also, the channel I most wanted to distribute my product on, Channel 4's most popular and most watched television show is 'Come Dine With Me' - whose target audience is predominately middle aged housewives. Their total audience is 46.1% these housewives. Therefore, if I was to show my film after or before 'Come Dine With Me', I think I would successfully reach my target audience.